Sunday, April 29, 2007

Michael Kay Announcing School

Dear Yankee Apologist,

Granted, this is kind of a stretch post, because I have to admit that most Yankee Apologists actually dislike Michael Kay as much as anyone else, but still, his particular brand of annoyance sticks out from time to time.

For instance, during today's game, Manny hit a shot to right center, and Bobby Abreau jogged over and caught it at the track. It was a good catch. Not spectacular. But Kay's announce made it sound like Bobby was the Say-Hey kid reincarnate. All hoarse, full-throttle excitement.

And then he kills Lugo's bobble at short of a Jeter grounder. Yeah, we get it, we traded defense for offense in living with Lugo. But what about Derek Jeter's league-leading errors? Any word on any of that stuff, Michael?

No, I didn't think so, you fat, dandruffy Homer.

OK, clearly last night's loss still stings. I want this one today, bad. Sox up 4-3 bottom of the sixth.

The Editor.

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