Sunday, April 29, 2007

I Told You Not To Bring Out Ronan Tynan

Dear Yankee Apologists,

Well, I hate to be the one to say I told you so. You thought yesterday's win meant something, right? I know you did. I could feel it. I didn't want to be the one to let the air out of your tires, but the sad fact remains that you have now lost 8 of your last 9 games, you reside in the cellar of the AL East in last place, 6 and 1/2 games back from the Red Sox, who are in first place.

I know it's April. I know there's lots of baseball left. But look at the Mets. Look at the Cards. They both had shitty Augusts, but had built up such commanding pre-break leads it didn't matter. And now look at your pitching staff. The Kid on Tuesday. Rusty Moose. Then, whatever. The pen continues to be a disaster. I mean, I'm running out of material here.

And the fact remains that aside from Jeter's home run in the too-little-too-late category? You guys put one good swing on a ball today, and it was Doug Mentkaweiczzicwieickwicks who did it. Against Julian Tavarez. Who looks like he should be running the Netas in San Quentin.

Enjoy the papers tommorow, Yankee Fans, I know I will!

The Editor.

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